
The main way that we keep tuition low is through school fundraising. There are many ways to get involved at St. Bruno School. Remember—these are only successful when everyone is involved.

Below you will find a few of the events that we have each year.

Little Caesar Pizza Sales

This sale begins right away in the school year. Need a fast and easy dinner? This is right for you!

Box Tops for Education

Clip those box tops off your favorite products and send them into our school. We earn cash from the box tops.


Want an easy way to support our school and love to shop? St. Bruno sells a wide variety of gift cards in which we receive a percentage back. We have scrip for several local and out of town stores. Scrip is sold throughout the year or can even be purchased online at

Silent Auction & Gala

We hope that we will see you at our annual Gala this year in November. This is a huge even for our school and a great night out!

St. Bruno Picnic

Our annual picnic is the third Saturday of July. Come out to support our parish and school with food, fun, and games!

Strawberry Sales

After those long winter months, how about some fresh strawberries for that early taste of spring. St. Bruno School sells delicious Florida strawberries in March. You don’t want to miss out!

Glo Bingo

Want a night out? How about Glo Bingo, but be careful this isn’t your grandma’s bingo. Enjoy a night that is guaranteed to bring a laugh.